The Obstacle Course

2002    Dur. 5:22    Stereo

There’s no escaping it. Every day we are targeted by advertising and visual product promotions strategically positioned in high-traffic areas of the contemporary marketplace. 

The film takes a look inside a modern convenience store where aggressive floor displays and point-of-purchase presentations compete for the attention of a vulnerable customer who is simply searching for a package of birthday candles. Using the store to represent the general retail environment, the film lampoons the way we are now required to negotiate a virtual obstacle course in the simple task of obtaining daily provisions. 

On an even greater scale the store can be thought of as a microcosm of the entire modern world where no opportunity is wasted by advertisers to interrupt our journey or our line of sight with their seductive promises of the good life.

2003 Niagara County Video Festival (Sanborn, New York) – First Prize, Comedy Category

2003 Canadian International Annual Film Festival (Toronto) – Third Place, Independent Scenario

2004 Sea to Sky Film Festival (Squamish, BC) – Official Selection

2004 Beaches Film Festival (Toronto) – Official Selection