Film Guestbook

Life As We Know It

Having witnessed the work of Cameron Tingley — I refer specifically to his imaginative scathing satires LIFE AS WE KNOW IT — I wish to praise this artist’s work (I love the musical punctuation).

Mendelson Joe
Emsdale, ON


The films of Cameron Tingley are relentlessly charming and wholly singular within Toronto’s film culture. I love them so much.

Daniel Warth
Toronto, ON

Your work is important. It opens people up.

Susan Duplan
Pender Island, BC

What If?

I thought the film was absolutely hilarious, but at the same time a true portrait of reality.

Jonathan Ventura
Winnipeg, MB

What If? is spot on. Funny and pointed, with great performances, well-written and directed and edited. Lots of work went into it, clearly, and well worth the effort.

Lynn Harrison
Toronto, ON

I had these same feelings when I moved to the USA after being raised in both Belgium and the Netherlands ….. why are meal portions so big, why are people napping in the streets of NY with their engine on, why are there drive-throughs for banks? It’s a cultural thing that is not sustainable, so I welcome your effort… great film.

Pamela Peeters
New York City, NY

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

The creativity of the piece is fantastic. It utilizes simple imagery to communicate a larger idea.

Andy Radig
Oshkosh, WI

I viewed your films, which I found to be both entertaining and, more importantly, educational. I especially got a few laughs from Out of Sight, Out of Mind which cleverly encapsulates how most people live while hypocritically claiming to be concerned about the environment.

Nick Kossovan
Toronto, ON

It has such a positive and civilized environmental message.

Ann Freud
Fairfax, VA

Cameron, I was at your film presentation at the South Riverdale Community Health Centre a few years ago and remember seeing this film. It had a great impact on my “idling habits” over the years. Sometimes I would catch myself allowing the car to idle for no reason, then I would think of those wilting flowers and immediately turn the engine off. Seriously, that scene made an impact.

Sue Chambers
Toronto, ON

The Obstacle Course

I watched the video about the birthday candles — so great! Descent into madness!

Grant Clarke
Ecalpemos, GA

A broad comedy with broad acting (as it should be) and several good gags within the story.

Fred W. Briggs
Toronto, ON

Kindergarten Tycoon

It’s a unique film that generates some guffaws. I found it was absurdly satirical and a wryly observed slice of societal commentary.

Christian Thompson Kelley
Toronto, ON

A Midnight Snack

I checked out your little film about the carnage in the kitchen. Completely wonderful. Really enjoyed it.

Barbara M.
Toronto, ON

The Imbalance of Nature

Cameron, I found your film very strange.

Martha Rhule
Erie, PA