Watch the Films

This exhibit has been curated and sequenced for ideal visitor experience but please feel free to jump around and sample any film that strikes your fancy.


These films probably fall into the sub-genre known as “microcinema”. They are not intended as big-screen cinematic experiences. For personal viewing they function best on a desktop, laptop, or tablet (in landscape mode). Large flat-screen TVs are less favourable considering the small-gauge aesthetics of the films.

Life As We Know It

An ongoing series of short films that take a humorous but thought-provoking look at modern society.

For this series (and this series only), I purposefully employ low-tech, hand-crafted, back-to-basics filmmaking techniques …….. minimal lighting, classic continuity, a single boom mic, and one camera typically locked on a tripod (you guessed it, the magic is in the editing). Even the chosen shooting format is good ol’ unpretentious standard definition video. Why? Because it’s the appropriate technology for the aesthetic concept of the series. These films are re-enactments of my daydreams, and daydreams tend to be very impressionistic, without a lot of superfluous detail. Standard definition provides the bare necessities without distracting the audience with extraneous visual information. And the opportunities for selective framing, afforded by the 4X3 aspect ratio, have always been the best friend the low-budget dramatic filmmaker ever had.

Essentially these films are a type of “folk art” .…. we make our props out of things we scavenge, the primitive special effects are produced practically (in front of the camera) rather than digitally (in post-production), and we often shoot in locations that aren’t actually what they appear on screen because they’d never let us shoot in the real locations anyway — especially when the message of the film is critical of those locations. Our resources are limited so we’re forced to be innovative and economical, which is one of the creative challenges I thrive on.

Please note: Lest there be any uncertainty about who composed the music for these films, please know that it is all acquired music from a stock music library. But it did involve extensive research, editing and customizing.

The Obstacle Course

2002    Dur. 5:22    Stereo

A satirical look at the way advertising interrupts our daily lives with its influential messages.

What If?

2010    Dur. 7:18    Stereo

A reminder that our individual actions and consumer choices ultimately have environmental consequences.

Kindergarten Tycoon

2014    Dur. 11:15    Stereo

A kindergarten classroom is portrayed as a microcosm of modern society.

Welcome To Our Humble Home

2001    Dur. 5:14    Stereo

A look at the contradictory judgements we place on the imagery of weapons in popular culture.

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

1999    Dur. 4:15    Stereo

The film illustrates our personal responsibility to reduce pollution in our day-to-day lives.

That’s Entertainment!

2006    Dur. 2:52    Stereo

A satirical look at the dumbing down and hyping up of popular screen entertainment.


2008    Dur. 0:52    Silent

How not to produce a successful television program.


New films in the LIFE AS WE KNOW IT series coming soon to a screen near you.

The Art of Making Conversation

A look at the expectations we put on each other to conform to certain socially-accepted modes of behaviour, fashion and communication. Imagine having the freedom to say what’s on your mind whether it makes sense or not, to express your vulnerability or sentimentality without fear of being judged, or to let your sillies out without eliciting frowns from nearby compatriots. Vive la diversité!

The Sound of One’s Own Species (working title)

Humans are by far the noisiest species on Earth considering the plethora of gadgets and machines we’ve created to make life more “convenient” ……. leaf-blowers, weed-wackers, pressure-washers, gas-powered lawn mowers, outdoor TV/sound systems, street-racing motorcycles, etc. As our increasingly crowded urban environment forces us to live in closer proximity to each other, the film is an appeal to be more considerate of our neighbours.

Primate Supremacists (working title)

This film turns the whole concept of racism on its head by redefining what it means to “associate with your own kind”. We witness a closed-door gathering that is restricted exclusively to members who have a common genetic alliance. The room is filled with humans of all races mingling with gorillas, chimpanzees, baboons and lemurs. The sign on the door says “Primates Only. All Others Keep Out”.

Sixteen Millimetre

In the mid-70s I wrote and directed three 16mm comedy films which gave me the opportunity to learn the filmmaking craft and experiment with developing a personal style of visual expression.

A Midnight Snack

1975    Dur. 4:30    Mono

This short horror-comedy will have you thinking twice about setting foot in the kitchen for a late-night nibble. 

The Imbalance of Nature

1977    Dur. 19:18    Mono

The owner of a suburban beauty salon attempts to rule the world by transforming her customers into giant insects.

Heaven Only Knows

1973    Dur. 18:47    Mono

A modern-day twist on the story of Noah and the Arc (without the animals, but lots of fruit).